Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο του Παλλακωνικού Συλλόγου Νότιας Αυστραλίας «Ο Λεωνίδας» [Πολιτιστικός - Προοδευ

Friday 15 March 2024

Rediscovering Roots: A Journey to Our Sparta

"Embrace the journey, cherish the connections, and let the spirit of "nostos" guide you home!!"

Highly recommended
Watch the third episode of

G(r)eek Talk, #3: Memorable Ancestral Research Trips

It was streamed yesterday and lasts for 33 minutes

"Nostos," in ancient Greek, embodies the deep yearning to return to one's homeland. This concept resonates deeply with Greeks scattered around the world, seeking to reconnect with their ancestral roots. For many, a trip to Greece isn't just a vacation; it's a pilgrimage of self-discovery and cultural immersion.

Offering invaluable insights and experiences to guide travellers on this meaningful quest are Gregory Kontos, Carol Kostakos Petranek, and Georgia Stryker Keilman.

In yesterday's episode of the podcast "Greek Talk," dedicated to those exploring their Greek heritage, the trio shared their expertise. Their advice, from trip planning to navigating archives and village visits, is valuable for anyone embarking on a similar odyssey.

Planning and Managing Expectations

Georgia Stryker Keilman, co-host of "Greek Talk," emphasises the importance of meticulous planning and realistic expectations. "There are two main types of research trips," she explains. "One focuses on visiting your ancestral village, potentially meeting relatives, and absorbing the local culture. The other, like Carol's experience, involves dedicated archival research."

Gregory Kontos, host of "Greek Talk" and founder of Greek Ancestry, reiterates this point, stressing the need for thorough preparation. "Plan well in advance," he advises. "Discuss your research goals and expectations. You never know what you might uncover – records, relatives, or even cherished family keepsakes."

A Journey to Our Sparta

Carol Kostakos Petranek, of Spartan Roots, recounts her experiences in Laconia, her ancestral homeland. "My Sparta, my home," she describes it with affection. Through meticulous planning and respectful interaction with local communities, Carol unravelled family legends and forged meaningful connections.

Their advice goes beyond logistics, emphasising the importance of gratitude and humility. Carol highlights the significance of small gestures, like offering gifts to those who help you. "Being grateful and courteous is crucial throughout your trip," she underlines.

Embracing the Changes

Accessing Greek archives has become more regulated in recent years. Carol shares her experience encountering these changes during her last visit. "Their policies have changed," she notes. "Now, you need to submit a request with specific details, and they'll send the records electronically."

A Transformative Odyssey

Despite these challenges, the rewards of such journeys are immeasurable. Greg emphasises the profound impact of visiting ancestral villages and interacting with locals. "It gives you a deeper understanding of life in Greek villages," he remarks. "It's more than genealogy; it's about connecting with your roots."

As we seek to reconnect with our heritage, Gregory, Carol, and Georgia's  guidance is an invaluable resource for rediscovering our roots. With careful planning, cultural sensitivity, and heartfelt appreciation, every trip can become a transformative odyssey – a journey of "nostos" that transcends time and distance.

A Clear Message

For those embarking on this voyage of self-discovery, their message is clear: embrace the journey, cherish the connections you make, and let the spirit of "nostos" guide you home.

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