Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο του Παλλακωνικού Συλλόγου Νότιας Αυστραλίας «Ο Λεωνίδας» [Πολιτιστικός - Προοδευ

Saturday 25 May 2024

A Huge Congratulations to Eleni Mavraidi!

A well-deserved win! Eleni Mavraidi (6th from right) is all smiles after being named a joint recipient of the 2024 Tormore Prize. Congratulations, Eleni, on this fantastic accomplishment!

We are thrilled to celebrate the outstanding achievement of Eleni Mavraidi, daughter of our fellow club members Panagiotis Mavraidis and Chrysoula Melissinakis, and granddaughter of untiring volunteers George and Eleni Mavraidis! Young Eleni has been named joint recipient of the prestigious 2024 Tormore Prize at the University of Adelaide.

This remarkable prize, awarded annually since 1921, recognizes the exceptional academic performance of a female student in a Level I English Literature course. For over a century, the Tormore Prize has honoured students who demonstrate exceptional talent and dedication in their literary studies.

Eleni's achievement in her first year at the University of Adelaide is truly commendable. Being named the Tormore Prize recipient is a testament to her hard work, passion for literature, and exceptional academic ability. The entire club joins the Mavraidi and Melissinakis families in celebrating Eleni's well-deserved success.

We have no doubt that Eleni will continue to excel in her studies and achieve great things in the future. Congratulations once again, Eleni!

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