Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο του Παλλακωνικού Συλλόγου Νότιας Αυστραλίας «Ο Λεωνίδας» [Πολιτιστικός - Προοδευ

Sunday, 2 June 2024

Happy 89th Birthday to Katerina Mitris, an Amazing and Beautiful Lady

"Chronia polla, Happy 89th birthday! Wishing you continued happiness, good health, and many more years of family love."

Today, we celebrate the 89th birthday of an incredible woman, the matriarch of the Mitris Family, Katerina Mitris, nee Vlachos. With three children, seven grandchildren, and seventeen great-grandchildren, her life is a testament to strength, resilience, and unwavering love for her family.

Born and raised in the historic village of Geraki, Lakonia, Katerina’s childhood was marked by the hardships of war. Despite not having the opportunity to attend school, she learned to read, write, and count, demonstrating a remarkable spirit and determination.

At the age of 18, she married Nikos Mitris, and together they embarked on a journey to Australia in search of a better life. Arriving in Melbourne in 1954, they faced the challenges of a new language and unfamiliar customs.

With unwavering determination, Katerina worked tirelessly alongside her husband, taking on various jobs to support their growing family. Despite the hardships, she never lost sight of her dreams and the values she held dear.

Nikos, a pillar of the Lakonian community, became known for his entrepreneurial spirit and his dedication to helping others. He established a business that provided employment opportunities fruit picking and market gardening in the Adelaide Hills for many Lakonian immigrants, particularly women who struggled to find work in traditional factories. Later, he became a familiar and welcoming presence within Adelaide's Greek community through his management of several kafeneia.

Katerina stood by her husband's side, offering unwavering support and encouragement. He affectionately called her "the steering wheel of the family," recognising her strength and unwavering commitment to their shared goals.

Together, they raised three wonderful children: Stella, George, and Jim. Katerina attributes her success in life to hard work, her supportive husband, and the love and dedication she has for her family.

In her spare time, Katerina cherishes moments spent with her extended family and actively participates in the activities of the Pan-Laconian Society. She remains deeply connected to her roots, having returned to her homeland nine times, as she believes that "one always carries a piece of their birthplace within them."

Katerina Mitris is an inspiration to us all. Her life is a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, love, and unwavering devotion to her family and community. As she celebrates her 89th birthday, we extend our heartfelt wishes for continued happiness, good health, and many more years surrounded by the love of her cherished family.

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